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Jean-Pierre Bériac (Revue CIII année 2012)

Résumé :

Auguste Glaziou, un paysagiste entre Bordeaux et Rio de Janeiro

François Marie Glaziou, dit Auguste, est né à Lannion en 1828. Fils d’un horticulteur-pépiniériste il fugue à 16 ans. Il séjourne à Paris puis à Nantes, Angers, avant d’arriver à Bordeaux vers 1854. Il est alors tonnelier, il épouse sa voisine, assiste aux importantes mutations de la ville durant cette période dont le recréation du Jardin public, puis, fin 1858, émigre à Rio de Janeiro.

Il s’y révèle un important botaniste (collecteur) et surtout un paysagiste majeur en introduisant des arbres de la forêt tropicale humide dans l’espace public urbain. Jardinier de l’empereur don Pedro II, directeur des parcs, jardins et forêt de Rio de Janeiro, il termine sa carrière en participant à la mission

Cruls et détermine, en 1896, le site où s’élèvera Brasilia 60 ans plus tard. Il rentre à Bordeaux en 1897, publie le résultat de ses collectes de plantes et s’éteint en 1906. Roberto Burle Marx revendiquera l’héritage esthétique de notre petit Breton.

Auguste Glaziou, a landscape gardener between Bordeaux and Rio de Janeiro

François Marie Glaziou, aka Auguste, was born in Lannion in 1828.The son of a horticulturist and nurseryman, he ran away at the age of 16. He stayed in Paris, Nantes and Angers before arriving in Bordeaux around 1854. He was then a cooper, he married his neighbour and witnessed the radical changes of the city during that period, among which the total transformation of the Jardin Public.

He emigrated to Rio de Janeiro at the end of 1858. He proved to be an important botanist (collector) and above all a major landscape gardener as he introduced trees from the tropical rainforest into the urban public space. He was the gardener for the emperor don Pedro II, then the manager of the parks, gardens and forest of Rio de Janeiro. He concluded his career with the mission Cruls and in 1896 he decided upon the place where Brasilia would be built 60 years later. He went back to Bordeaux in 1897 and published the results from his collection of plants before he died in 1906. Roberto Burle Marx would later take due credit for the aesthetic legacy from out dear Breton.

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